Daemonibus! A long time has passed since last mission… But now it’s your turn to prove skills and courage. Kill the evil Mortimer and stop his army of terror! Be a true Hero, be a true Dwarf!
The game is about the thrilling cemeteries of Entombed where, as 600 years ago, evil demons have woken up werewolves, vampires and ghouls, raiders of cadavers. Now six dwarfs, the brothers Barbarscia and Dueforge, their friends Gronkia and Musgro and the twins Sandi and Rimba have to face Mortimer, the supreme demon.
The players must choose one of the six Dwarfs, roam in the cemetery and explore the cripts of the Kings, where there are battles between Good and Evil. If the Dwarf wins the combat he gains new followers; if the Dwarf looses the combat, he becomes himself a monster (Ghoul, Werewolf or Vampire). To gain his humanity again, he must attack his ex-friends. A Dwarf can attack other Dwarfs to take objects and followers. When a Dwarf has 3 followers of his own Clan ha can face Mortimer. If he wins he will be remembered for eternity.

- 1 Game rule book and score cards
- 10 “Crypt” cards
- 6 Markers to be used on the hero card
- 1 Demon pawn (Mortimer “The Body Snatcher”)
- 3 Cursed pawns (Ghoul, Werewolf and Vampire)
- 6 Adventurer pawns + 6 wooden standing bases6“Clan” cards
- 49 “Daemonibus” cards
- 2 x 6-sided-dice (d6)
- 1 Squared part to be inserted in the centre of the game board
- 4 Interlocking parts to create the Cemetery

A Game by Paolo Vallerga
Artwork: Scribabs



60-75 min

English Translation by Alison Groom
Traduction Française par Sabrine Di Trani
Deutsche Übersetzung: Julia Kunz
Traducción Española por Nuria Grases
- From the other Side
- The March Against the Tyrant
- Alive or Undead
- A Battle through History
- Resurrection (by Expansion)
- Armata Strigoi
- 011 An adventure with Therion
- The Band is Even Better
- SATOR - Malleus Maleficarum
- Star System
- GDR - Gesta Dannatamente Rozze
- Hystericoach
- SATOR Deluxe Ed.
- Daemonibus
- Millenarocca - Tempus Draconis
- Le Saghe di Conquest
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