Music and creativity. With over 15 years experience in communication, we can deliver ideas and solutions to who want to engage their audience with a great visual impact. What ever you are after, an album cover, a booklet, a video, lyrics, we make sure we tell your story, your music and your emotions by creating content with character that will resonate and connect with your public.
We can follow a music project fully, from storyboarding, to video production and post-production. In our line of work we use only the most professional cameramen and equipment.
The short movie“011 – An adventure with Therion”, based on the lyrics of the internationally known Swedish band Therion, is a great example of the quality and complexity of our work. A movie with over 40 extras, 2 troupes, 10 locations and a week of shooting with director Massimiliano Mattioni.
Since 2005, when we first worked on a short animation movie with the soundtrack of the Italian band Rhapsody of Fire, we have continued to experiment with different techniques crowned by the production of “Dust I am” by The Experiment no.Q – a production realised using a combination of 2d and 3d animation.

Here we are, we are one!"
Psycho Circus

With YouTube ever expanding, a necessary platform for bands who want to be seen across the globe, and high video production costs, video lyrics can be your best option! Why? A video lyric can help you keep down production costs without compromising on quality, whilst maintaining your narrative told through the lyrics.
Does video lyric sound like an interesting option to you? Contact us for a quote!

Covers are like a band’s ID, telling a certain music style or the stories behind the lyrics. Rock, blues, pop, rap, different styles that require different creatives.

We listen to your music, and to your thoughts, to best represent them visually. Our creativity feeds on music and our passion for it is at the core of our work.

We collaborate with great artists, professional photographers and experienced illustrators. Together we create artwork, logos and covers to satisfy every musician, label and band’ s appetite. We convert the emotions of your music in a graphic.